The game- I feel- is well worth the asking price BUT that's for folks who love the MP (local same couch 2-4 player split screen or online MP (1 player full screen online, 2 player split screen online). "Twisted Metal does indeed have a 1player and split screen co-op campaign! BUT to keep expectations in check, know this: the bosses are super cool, I think the stories/cutscenes/game fiction is really very cool, and the campaign is more varied than any other TM we've ever made BUT if you go in expecting a campaign the likes of BATMAN:ARKHAM CITY, SKYRIM, GEARS OF WAR, KILLZONE 3, etc. He talked about sales numbers needed to turn a profit (1-2 million units sold at full price), his mixed feelings on the cover art being just "good enough" and potentially the most alarming, trying to set (read: lower) expectations for what players will get with Twisted Metal. Jaffe's tweets over the last week haven't been the most positive. As the weeks count down, Eat Sleep Play game director David Jaffe wants to make sure your expectations aren't too high for the game's campaign. Twisted Metal was originally scheduled to debut in October but was delayed until this February where it sits oddly perfectly with a Valentine's Day release. Needless to say, it's been a long wait for the franchise to return. Outside of the PSP release of Twisted Metal: Head-On and its re-release, the last game in the core Twisted Metal franchise came over a decade ago with Twisted Metal: Black on the PS2, a game that earned rather positive reviews.